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Python Environments

Miniconda is a minimal implementation of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, and a minimal set of dependencies. Conda provides simplified virtual environment management with individual Python versions isolated to the specified environment.

Installers for macOS, Linux, and Windows available at:


The graphical installer for macOS installs to /opt/miniconda3. Use the terminal installer to ensure installation to your home directory.


conda info --envs

List all available environments.

conda create -n ENVNAME python=3.12.8

Create a new environment with a specified version of Python.

conda activate ENVNAME

Activate (switch to) the specified environment.

conda install PKGNAME=VERSION

Install the specified package and version in the current environment.

conda list --show-channel-urls

List installed packages in the current environment.

conda update --all -n ENVNAME

Update all packages in the specified environment.

See the Conda User Guide Cheatsheet for additional information.