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Homebrew Packages

App Formulae / Cask Description
Age age Secure file encryption tool + Go library, follows
AWS CLI v2 awscli Official AWS command-line interface.
AWS IAM Authenticator aws-iam-authenticator EKS IAM credential provider.
Azure CLI azure-cli Official Microsoft Azure CLI 2.0.
Bat bat Drop-in cat replacement with syntax highlighting and git integration.
btop++ btop Continuation of legacy htop.
BuildKit buildkit Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit. Default builder for docker build.
diff-so-fancy diff-so-fancy "Fancy" diff tool.
eksctl eksctl Official AWS EKS command-line tool.
eza eza Modern ls replacement.
git git Up-to-date git distribution.
git-delta git-delta Syntax-highlighting pagination for git and diff output.
gnupg gnupg Implementation of the OpenPGP standard.
gopass gopass Updated Unix password manager written in Go.
helm helm Kubernetes package manager.
ipcalc ipcalc Calculate network masks from a given IP address.
jq jq Command-line JSON processor.
kubectx kubectx Kubernetes context switcher.
Kubernetes CLI kubernetes-cli Kubernetes command-line interface.
neofetch neofetch System information script. Deprecated
netcat netcat Network connection management utility.
nmap nmap Port scanning utility.
OATH Toolkit oath-toolkit One-time password authentication tools.
OpenSSH openssh SSH connectivity tools.
p11-kit p11-kit Library to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules.
pass pass Password Store password manager.
pass-otp pass-otp TOTP extension for pass.
pinentry pinentry Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol.
pinentry-mac pinentry-mac pin-entry for GPG on macOS.
PowerShell powershell (cask) Microsoft PowerShell for macOS.
qrencode qrencode QR Code generation.
readline readline Library for command-line editing.
Terraform terraform Infrastructure orchestration. Deprecated
tldr tldr Simplified man pages.
tree tree Display directories as trees.
watch watch Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen.
wifi-password wifi-password Show the current WiFi network password.
xbar xbar View output from scripts in the macOS menu bar.
xz xz General-purpose data compression with high ratios.
YubiKey Manager ykman Tool for managing YubiKey configuration.
yq yq Process YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, and properties documents from terminal.
Yubico PIV Tool yubico-piv-tool Command-line tool for the YubiKey PIV application.
zbarimg zbar Suite of barcode reading tools.
zsh-autosuggestions zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh.
zsh-completions zsh-completion Additional completion definitions for zsh.
zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-syntax-highlighting Fish-like syntax highlighting for zsh.